- Grain Products – whole grain bread, brown rice, whole wheat crackers, bagels, hot & cold cereals, granola bars, muffins
- Vegetables & Fruit – canned fruit and vegetables, 100% fruit juice, tomato sauce, canned soup, tomato juice, applesauce, fresh (if storage available)
- Milk Products – dry milk powder, milk puddings, cheese spreads, fresh milk, yogurt, & cheese (if accepted)
- Meat & Alternatives – canned meat & fish, peanut butter, canned baked beans, dried or canned beans and lentils
Hey again. I've been collecting food up and down my street and now I've already got all these bags of food to donate to the Daily Bread Foodbank, when the CP Holiday Train visits Toronto. CP would like you to bring heart healthy food to the food bank to donate. People have heart disease and we're trying to cure it by giving them good food. Here's a list of heart healthy food you can donate when you visit the Holiday Train. I am excited to be riding on the Holiday Train for my second time. I think I'll have as much fun as the first time. Here's a photo from my ride last year. CP is having a photo contest. Five lucky winners each get tickets to ride on the Holiday Train. All you have to do is post photos of the CP Holiday Train. Here's a link to the contest. Maybe I'll see you on the train!
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About NathanNathan is a 13 year-old boy who loves ALL trains. Especially freight trains. And especially CP Rail. CategoriesArchives
June 2021